Day 1- When and how did you become a fan of Maroon 5
Day 2- First song you ever heard
Day 3- Favorite albu
Day 4- Favorite song
Day 5- Favorite song off of Songs About Jane
Day 6- Favorite song off of It Won’t Be Soon Before Long
Day 7- Favorite song off of Hands All Over
Day 8- Favorite live album
Day 9- Ryan Dusick or Matt Flynn
Day 10- Favorite music video
Day 11- Favorite performance
Day 12- Favorite album cover
Day 13- Personal Maroon 5 memory of yours
Day 14- Least favorite Maroon 5 song
Day 15- Your dream set list
Day 16- Favorite picture of Adam Levine
Day 17- Favorite picture of Jesse Carmichael
Day 18- Favorite picture of Mickey Madden
Day 19- Favorite picture of James Valentine
Day 20- Favorite picture of Matt Flynn
Day 21- Favorite band picture
Day 22- Favorite interview
Day 23- A way that Maroon 5 has changed your life or view on music
Day 24- Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25- Maroon 5 merchandise that you own