Victory but lets keep a close eye!
After receiving letters from over 180 members concerned about the tobacco sponsorship of an upcoming Indonesian concert, Maroon 5′s management informed that when they learned the band’s name was being used in conjunction with tobacco advertising, they contacted the tour promoter, Java MusikIndo, to immediately cease the use of the Surya brand in the promotion of the concert, scheduled for April 27th.
читать дальшеHOWEVER Surya Pro Mild’s Facebook Page is still utilizing Maroon 5′s Image to promote a “Win Maroon 5 Ticket” contest and Surya Pro Mild.
So Dear Maroon 5,
Thank you for your quick response to our petition and requesting Java Musikindo your Indonesian promoter to remove your images from surya Pro Mild Advertising, but the issue has not been rectified. They are still using your image, to aggressively promote cigarettes, which is the most preventable cause of cancer.
Do you think we can fix this?
Tobacco Commons
The Pro Mild Team plans to hold 5 more events at popular venues throughout Indonesia.
At the Pro Mild Booth young adults are enticed to give up their personal information to the cigarette companies marketing databases in order to win a ticket to the upcoming maroon 5 sold out concert.
In order to win free Maroon 5 ticket the individual must submit their personal information into Surya Pro Mild database.
Then the participant receives a number and a photo is taken of them in front of the Maroon 5 sign.
After the participant must upload and promote their own entry via twitter and a newly design facebook application, recruiting their friend to visit Surya Pro Mild Facebook page and vote for their favorite entry.
Why are these names so important to Bentoel/British American Tobacco? Surya Pro mild like all other cigarette brands need to find ”replacement smokers” to enlarge their customer database, which dwindle as consumers die.
Last December Maroon 5 participated in a youth based video in conjunction with Roswell park Cancer Institute where the stated “they believe in a world without Cancer.”
So Dear Maroon 5,
Again, thank you for caring.
Do you think we really can fix this?
Tobacco Commons