Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен

@темы: Adam Levine, Video

Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен

Like his fellow judges on NBC's hit singing competition The Voice, Adam Levine has been enjoying a renewed (or maybe just new, if you weren't a Maroon 5 fan) postshow relevancy. He and his bandmates just released the video for "Moves Like Jagger," a collaboration with Voice pal Christina Aguilera; he just announced plans to produce a karaoke sitcom for NBC; and come the fall, he'll attempt to defend his judging crown on the second season of The Voice. Vulture caught up over the phone with Levine, who's currently on tour with Maroon 5, to discuss The Voice, his karaoke practice, and his habit of getting undressed in public.

Congratulations on The Voice, and on winning.
Thank you.

Have you been in touch with Javier since the show ended?
Oh yeah, I talk to him all the time. We played a show in Connecticut last night, and we texted each other to see how things were going, and I'm definitely interested in what he's doing right now. Because obviously it's a crucial time for him, and I want to kind of help him along, as I would with anyone I cared about. I care about everyone who was on the show.

I know you and Blake in particular had a special relationship. He was a nice surprise for a lot of people (Vulture included) from the show. Were you already familiar with him?
No, it was cool. I went through the same thing. I think a lot of America knows who Blake is; I think it was just the cityfolk who didn’t really know who he was, because he's such a big country artist. He's such a good guy. That's something about the show — it's so nice when there's something genuine on television. I didn’t really like singing competitions until I signed up for the show. But it's nice to have a show that feels real. Everything that happened on the show was genuine and in the moment. People really cared about each other.

Let me ask you a little bit about the karaoke show you're producing. Are you actually a karaoke fan?
I'm a huge karaoke fan. The whole idea for the show was born out of this specific place in Los Angeles that me and my roommate Gene Hong, who is the creator, co-executive producer of the show — it was kind of like our Cheers. It was our spot where we would all meet up and sing songs. So we had this great idea, this would be an amazing way to kind of appropriate that old, simple format of a television show. And that's what made Cheers so amazing. And we're not trying to compare ourselves too much to that show, but it does take place in a bar, and it is kind of like that. But it's so cool, because we have the right people involved: NBC is doing it which is amazing; Jake Kasdan is incredible, I've been a huge fan of his since Freaks and Geeks. Well see, it's still obviously a ways to go, but I love everyone's enthusiasm about it.

So was it a private-room karaoke place, or are you all in one room?
No, it was a very big Cheers-esque bar, where everything is out in the open. This place, it was a real watering hole for us. All of our friends would get together there and celebrate any occasion. And that was what this place was.

And do you still karaoke?
I still love going to karaoke. It's a blast.

Do you have any go-tos?
Some. It's nice now because I can cut my way up to the front of the line. I used to have to wait for hours. But yeah, I like singing Marvin Gaye, I like singing Al Green, I like singing the old soul classics.

Some people get very particular about their karaoke practice. Do you have any rules?
Yeah. Karaoke is — there are unique and individual approaches to the art form that is karaoke.

What's yours?
We can't impose our own beliefs on others as far as karaoke is concerned. I like to stick to my go-tos. I like to know I'm going to sway. I like to be very focused. Every once in a while, I'll try branching out, and it will just be a mess.

Can you give me an example?
Long solos, bad move. Don’t want to do karaoke with songs that have long extended solos because you're just sitting there like an asshole, waiting for the 16 or 32 bars to finish so you can come back in. That's bad, bad news. You don't want that. So you want it to be as seamless as possible — you get a song that just kind of flows through, and all of the sudden it's over. Two and a half, three minutes, you're in and out, the crowd doesn’t even know what happened to them. But, you know, when you do a Guns N' Roses song, you got at least a minute of Slash. You gotta take that into account. You're going to need to do some serious theatrical stuff to offset the guitar solos. You gotta think about this shit.

That's all very wise. Do you ever do duets?
It depends how drunk I get. But yes, I have a side project called Adam Le-Gene — Gene is my roommate — we do an array of Run DMC tunes that we always destroy.

Oh, interesting. Are they rehearsed beforehand? Or is that really only in the drunk moment?
No, we go in the moment. That's definitely right before they close. If we just want to bring it to a whole different place. If we stick around, and we decide that it's time, we look at each other, and that's it.

It's important to have someone to do that with.
It is. Gene and I have been known to tear shit up.

About the "Moves Like Jagger" video — obviously there were a bunch of Mick Jagger impersonators, but it didn’t look like you were attempting to do any of the Jagger moves yourself?
No, I thought the song is already an homage to Mick Jagger, so I kind of felt the need to be myself even more. In the spirit of Jagger, I did maybe slightly more flamboyant movements, and things, like, got a little more naked, and maybe I flailed around a little more than I normally would in order to get in the spirit of it. But I didn’t want to be an impersonator. I didn’t want to try to mimic Mick Jagger so much as I wanted to just be myself. I wanted to hold my own as much as I possibly could.

Speaking of shirtlessness, I was also going to ask about the cancer PSA you did. You seem pretty comfortable getting naked in public?
Strangely comfortable. I don’t know why.

Do you have to get into any sort of mental place? What kind of preparation goes into that?
No. You know what, it's so weird. I don’t really care about — I mean obviously showing my … my stuff is different. Showing the world your penis is a lot different than posing almost naked. But I don’t know, I've just never really been particularly shy about that. I don’t know what it is. Makes me kind of strange. People think I'm out of my mind. But it doesn't bother me. It feels pretty natural, and I don’t mind. Shit, I'm not going to be young forever. I might as well. I don’t know, seems like it makes sense. It's fun. I have to be told to put on clothes in my own home when people come over. That's how bad it gets. Not clothes as in I'm walking around naked, but I just don’t like clothes.

@темы: Adam Levine, interview


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен

Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine has caught the TV bug. The singer, most recently a judge on NBC's "The Voice," has attached his name to an as-yet-unnamed sitcom about a karaoke bar.

According to Deadline, Levine will produce the show for NBC while Jake Kasden of "Bad Teacher" will direct. Levine's friend Gene Hong, whom he reportedly first met in a karaoke bar, is the show's writer.

Maroon 5, Christina Perform 'Moves Like Jagger' on 'The Voice'

NBC came out on top in a bidding war for the show, which will revolve around an ensemble cast and deploy a single-camera concept, much like the network's beloved "30 Rock."

According to the report, the show will be produced by 20th Century Fox TV. No airdate has been set.

@темы: News, Adam Levine


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Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен

@темы: Photo, Adam Levine


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Новая песня совместно с Кристиной Агилерой

@темы: Maroon 5, Songs

Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Day 1- When and how did you become a fan of Maroon 5
Day 2- First song you ever heard
Day 3- Favorite albu
Day 4- Favorite song
Day 5- Favorite song off of Songs About Jane
Day 6- Favorite song off of It Won’t Be Soon Before Long
Day 7- Favorite song off of Hands All Over
Day 8- Favorite live album
Day 9- Ryan Dusick or Matt Flynn
Day 10- Favorite music video
Day 11- Favorite performance
Day 12- Favorite album cover
Day 13- Personal Maroon 5 memory of yours
Day 14- Least favorite Maroon 5 song
Day 15- Your dream set list
Day 16- Favorite picture of Adam Levine
Day 17- Favorite picture of Jesse Carmichael
Day 18- Favorite picture of Mickey Madden
Day 19- Favorite picture of James Valentine
Day 20- Favorite picture of Matt Flynn
Day 21- Favorite band picture
Day 22- Favorite interview
Day 23- A way that Maroon 5 has changed your life or view on music
Day 24- Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25- Maroon 5 merchandise that you own


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
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@темы: Photo, Adam Levine


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
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@темы: Photo, Adam Levine


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Очередное промо The Voice

@темы: Adam Levine, Video


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Адам присутствовал на матче L.A. Lakers в Новом Орлеане
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@темы: Photo, Adam Levine


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Новый рекламный ролик The Voice

@темы: Adam Levine, Video

Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Подошел к концу, пожалуй, самый яркий проект в музыкальной истории Coca-Cola, эксперимент Coca-Cola 24hour Session, в рамках которого по просьбе бренда группа Maroon5 за всего лишь одни сутки сочинила свой новый хит с нуля. Процесс создания песни стартовал 22 марта в 1 ночи по североамериканскому южному времени и длился ровно сутки без перерыва. За процессом можно было следить на www.coca-cola.com/music — кроме этого, все желающие могли принять участие в написания композиции, отправляя свои идеи и мнения Twitter-сообщениями с хештэгом #WithMaroon5 (твиты молниеносно появлялись на интерактивной стене в студии).

Во время творческого спада творческий коллектив — группа и 10 молодых музыкантов — занимался йогой, играл в настольный теннис, а также обращался к зрителям за помощью и вдохновением — твиты и фото через Twitpic появлялись на «живой» доске в форме пузырьков. Так, к примеру, музыканты Maroon5 спрашивали у пользователей, какую версию песни — акустическую или электронную — они хотели бы услышать. Выбор делался на основе полученных результатов, которые отображались в процентном соотношении.

Сейчас, когда сессия уже подошла к концу, трек готов — с 1 апреля его можно будет бесплатно скачать на сайте проекта. За первые 10 тыс. загрузок Coca-Cola переведет определенную сумму (ее размер пока что не озвучивают) в фонд собственной инициативы Replenish Africa Initiative (RAIN), которая создана для борьбы с проблемой нехватки питьевой воды в африканских странах. На днях компания также выпустила сингл «Кения» (Kenya), записанный вместе с Соланж Ноулз (Solange Knowles), Крисом Тейлором (Chris Taylor) и Твин Шедоу (Twin Shadow), который помогает собирать деньги для проектов этой программы — каждый, кто пожертвует произвольную сумму на доброе дело RAIN, получает ссылку на скачивание трека.

Идея проекта Coca-Cola 24hour Session принадлежит Wieden + Kennedy, а digital-дизайн лег на плечи SapientNitro.


@темы: Maroon 5


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Coca-Cola: Maroon 5 24 Hour Live Session -- 24 Hours Short

@темы: Jesse Carmichael, Maroon 5, Adam Levine, Video, James Valentine, Matt Flynn, Mickey Madden


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Coca-Cola: Maroon 5 24 Hour Live Session - Hand Clap

@темы: Jesse Carmichael, Maroon 5, Video, James Valentine, Matt Flynn, Mickey Madden