
Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Maroon 5 оказались на самом передовом краю борьбы против табачных компаний. На 27 апреля у группы запланирован концерт в Индонезии. Спонсирует это музыкальное мероприятие компания Surya Professional Mild, по неловкому стечению обстоятельств – табачная.

А Maroon 5 ведет мощную битву против курения среди молодежи и получаемого от этого рака. Неудивительно, что группа получила сразу 180 писем, порицающих их сотрудничество с табачными продавцами смерти.

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Источник: Sports.ru

@темы: Maroon 5, Tour


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Группа Maroon 5 сообщила о переносе концерта, который планировался 20 марта в Москве в КРОКУС СИТИ ХОЛЛ на последние выходные ноября (дата будет сообщена дополнительно).

Группа приостановила свой тур в поддержку нового альбома Hands All Over, отменив 10 концертов с 4 по 20 МАРТА, включая концерт в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге.

Причина переноса - съемки фронтмена группы Адама ЛЕВАЙНА в известном теле шоу The Voice.

Просим внимательно отнестись к факту, что концерт не отменяется, а переносится, все билеты действительны.

Но тем, кто захочет вернуть билеты, порядок возврата денег будет сообщен дополнительно на нашем сайте, сайте площадки и билетных агентов

Источник: TCI

@темы: Maroon 5, Tour


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
22 марта в течение 24 часов, не прерывая трансляции online, Coca-Cola и американская рок-группа Maroon 5 напишут песню.

Помогать им будут фаны Coca-Cola, которым предлагают заглянуть на музыкальную страницу coca-cola.com/music, чтобы наблюдать за процессом творчества и вдохновлять авторов произведения.

Мероприятие будут транслировать в социальной сети Facebook, где уже собирают пользователей, планирующих заглянуть в виртуальную студию.

Благодаря ограниченным временным рамкам и возможности понаблюдать за созданием новой песни «с нуля» эксперимент уже назвали беспрецендентным в истории рок-музыки. Станет ли результат настоящим хитом, узнаем 22-го.

Источник: BrandNews

@темы: Maroon 5

Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Maroon 5 откладывают некоторые концерты в Европейском и Русском туре.
Список дат

Maroon 5 has announced that due to lead singer Adam Levine's upcoming role on the new television series The Voice, the band will be postponing their upcoming European and Russian tour dates. The dates, arranged in support of the group's latest album, were scheduled to start on March 4th in Zurich, Switzerland and run through March 20th in Moscow, Russia.

"We would like to apologize to our fans," said Levine. "We are extremely disappointed that we’re not able to stay overseas and perform at this time. The guys and I hope to make it back over there later this year. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.”

@темы: Maroon 5, Tour, Video


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Amsterdam was very kind to us tonight..we love you dearly.

@темы: Photo, Adam Levine, James Valentine, Twitter


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Just visited a legend...he tattooed me. Because as you all know, I do love my mom! Adam Levine

@темы: Photo, Adam Levine, Twitter


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен

@темы: Adam Levine, Fan-Art

Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен

@темы: Maroon 5, Video


Maroon 5 в Глазго (22/02/2011г.)
imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com
imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com
imagebam.com imagebam.com

@темы: Jesse Carmichael, Maroon 5, Photo, Adam Levine, James Valentine, Matt Flynn, Mickey Madden


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен

@темы: Maroon 5, Photo


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен

@темы: Maroon 5, Photo

Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Maroon 5 are terribly popular.

Just how popular was evident fairly early on, when the queue to get in snaked around the venue and down the street. The throng was ushered in extremely quickly, though, to give a rousing reception to opener Sara Bareilles.

Bareilles had toured with Maroon 5 before and her radio-friendly pop/jazz/rock style was ideal for such a slot. Her hit Love Song encapsulated all of that and went down very well indeed.

With album sales totalling 15 million worldwide, it was perhaps not surprising that Maroon 5 commanded the sort of adulation on show here. The audience, mostly female and covering the entire age spectrum, screamed as soon as lead singer Adam Levine strolled on and kept the decibel meter in the red for most of the ensuing 90 minutes.

What the band do so well, of course, is to appeal to a wide range of the general public. For every pop hit for the girls to swoon over, they chuck in a bit of rock to keep the blokes happy. The opening coupling of Misery and Harder to Breathe set the tone and as far as I could tell, all the hits made an appearance.

Levine’s interaction with the crowd was exemplary, even managing to conduct an unaccompanied version of She Will Be Loved and keep them in time. Hands All Over rocked hard and was probably the song of the night, before they ended with the best tune Billy Joel never wrote, This Love.

Levine appeared in a blue kilt for the encore, prompting near chaos amongst his admirers, to sing Makes Me Wonder and the really rather splendid, All I Need.

Источник: heraldscotland

@темы: Maroon 5

Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Victory but lets keep a close eye!
After receiving letters from over 180 Change.org members concerned about the tobacco sponsorship of an upcoming Indonesian concert, Maroon 5′s management informed Change.org that when they learned the band’s name was being used in conjunction with tobacco advertising, they contacted the tour promoter, Java MusikIndo, to immediately cease the use of the Surya brand in the promotion of the concert, scheduled for April 27th.

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Источник: Tobacco Commons

@темы: Maroon 5

Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен

Grammy scene-stealer Cee-Lo Green and Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine are in serious discussions to join Mark Burnett’s singing competition The Voice for NBC, EW has learned exclusively. Producers also considered Lenny Kravitz, Roger Daltrey, Mary J. Blige, John Legend and Enrique Iglesias about occupying a judging seat on the show. Plus, there’s a major-name female star who’s in talks to join as well, but is not yet close to a deal (according to two unconfirmed sources, it’s Christina Aguilera, which would obviously be an enormous name for any talent show).

Deals are not signed and things could still change. But NBC hopes to close deals with the male singers within the next few days, and then sign another judge sometime next week. While taking a break from his work on Gnarls Barkley, Cee-Lo has been on a star-making run with his hit single “F-You” and Grammy performance with Gwyneth Paltrow (during which he was dressed, appropriately enough for a man who may judge a show on NBC, as a peacock). Meanwhile, the LA-based band Maroon 5 released their most recent album last fall and played Fox’s Super Bowl pre-game earlier this month.

As Fox discovered last year when trying to fill spots on Idol, securing high-profile judges can be difficult as pop stars tend to come with prior commitments. Signing with a network for a TV show often means canceling other obligations, sometimes at a price.

Clearly NBC is going after pop stars instead of record label suits for their judges spots, and is hoping to land current and relevant artists. If hired, Cee Lo and Levine, along with the third judge, should lend some name recognition and industry experience to the show, as well as generate press interest.

The Voice seeks to gain market share when it launches this spring in the toughest of reality genres just as Idol is ramping up for its Top 12. It’s a high stakes plan, especially since Idol has already bested one competitor this season, CBS’ performance series Live to Dance starring former Idol judge Paula Abdul. But NBC has proven it can draw a good ratings with a singing competition with its winter a cappella competition The Sing Off.

The Voice is based on a Dutch hit where contestants audition while judges face the other direction, unable to see the contestants. The Susan Boyle-friendly format has judges making their verdicts based on the singer’s vocal talent alone rather than being influenced by the contestant’s physical appearance. Once they hit a button deciding whether to accept the performance, their chairs swivel around (see clip below). Unlike Idol, contestants will not be sequestered during the competition, but will be free to interact with fans and perform on their own (such as doing club dates) while trying to build their fan base.

Last week NBC announced The Voice will take the unique step of opening its audition process to any singer with a web cam. Carson Daly will host.

Источник: Entertainment Weekly's

@темы: Maroon 5, Adam Levine

Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
What Men Think: Adam Levine
Adam Levine's latest album with Maroon 5 is called Hands All Over. But the 31-year-old front man is a perfect gentleman

Are you as sensitive as your song lyrics would lead us to believe?
Absolutely. I like to be able to open up and be sensitive. Making yourself vulnerable is a huge step, especially for a guy. It makes you feel great, but it also puts you in harm's way.

Does technology like texting help or hurt a couple's connection?
Text messaging gets a bad rap. It's the best thing ever because you don't have to talk on the phone that much! You can convey your interest in how the person is doing or say "Hey, I want to let you know I love you." It's a fantastic way to be creative with your writing. It's no different from a love letter.

What's the key to a good relationship?

Embrace who the person is and don't hide who you actually are, and you'll be fine.

What still confuses you about women?
Everything. Men and women are such different creatures. The quest to figure each other out is what makes life so interesting. Most of the time guys are far too simple to worry about anything—we don't analyze as much as women do. There are only a few things men give a shit about: Xbox, sex, food, and peace and quiet.

Источник: Women's Health Magazine

@темы: Adam Levine


Раз он думает, что у тебя есть план, план не нужен
Adam Levine
This is pretty sweet!

@темы: Adam Levine, twitter

Diary of a TV Addict

@темы: Adam Levine

Eminem, Rihanna, & Dr. Dre With Skyler Grey & Adam Levine

@темы: Adam Levine, Video, Grammy



Grammy Awards 2011

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@темы: Maroon 5, Photo, Adam Levine, Grammy